The Black Market Of Human Placentas

The value of placentas can be seen from the desperate attempt to sell placentas in black market. Placentas are valued since ages and consumption of human placentas to get nutritional benefits are well known in China.
China has not been able to curb a thriving black market for human placentas which are often illegally sourced from hospitals and established network of traders. Although trading of human placentas is illegal, the black market is still alive and can easily fetch US$14,500 a month, according to The Beijing News. In some places like Hong Kong, human placentas are even made into biscuits for consumption.
The health benefits of placentas are proven to enrich their blood, or even be used to treat burns or infertility. This practice is popular around the world, and endorsed by celebrities including Kim Kardashian and January Jones.
But why indulge in desperate measures of illegally getting human placentas when sheep placentas are equally or better? Illegally produced placentas from unauthorized channel could potentially carry health or safety risks as it may contain viruses and bacteria due to poor processes. On the contrary, authorized and certified placenta producer provides good placenta products full of nutrients. 


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