Sheep, Deer, Pig And Horse Placenta: What Are Their Differences? Part 3

In the first two series of this topic, we have discussed the goodness of sheep and deer placenta and their differences. But how about pig and horse placenta? Are they equally good?

Japan commonly breeds and produces SPF pig (Specific Pathogen Free). It is often used in cosmetics, health food products and supplements as it has vital nutritional goodness such as protein, lipid, carbohydrate, various enzymes, minerals and vitamins. The good thing about pig placenta is it is more affordable compared to other animal placentas.

Then how about horse placenta? Due to its rarity of birth rates (one at a birth), it is not easy to cultivate its placenta although Japan is the common place for thoroughbred horses. The nutritional goodness include protein, lipid, carbohydrate, mineral, amino acid and various enzymes. However, compared to pig placenta, horse placenta has higher concentration of amino acid. Nevertheless, it is still used for cosmetics and health supplements. In some cases, it may not be compatible with the body disposition of users and may cause acne, outbreak of extreme body heat.

All in all, whether it is sheep, deer, pig or horse placenta, users are most advisable to choose the placenta products that best suit their body system.

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Sheep, Deer, Pig And Horse Placenta: What Are Their Differences? Part 2

To say sheep or deer placenta is better is actually quite subjective. Nevertheless, the common deer species will be the New Zealand Red Deer (Cervus Elpahus).

Deer placenta is often used as health supplements and it has lots of nutritional goodness which include the abundant levels of cell building blocks, active growth factors, antioxidants and skin-beautifying ingredients. It is also well-known to be free from diseases especially mad cow disease, foot and mouth disease, and scrapie disease which are normally found in other animals.

Overall, deer is considered as the premier source of placenta and higher level of animal rankings. This is because it resembles very closely to human placenta chemically.

Having said that, where do pig and horse placenta stand? Are they also in the same rank as sheep and deer placenta. Check out our next article next week.

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Sheep, Deer, Pig And Horse Placenta: What Are Their Differences? Part 1

There are all kinds of placenta available in the market and hence, it is mind boggling to choose the best source of placenta. Well, each placenta has both advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on whether your body can adapt to the product or not.

Let us start with sheep placenta. Australia and New Zealand are the most common places to breed this and the most common domestic sheep is Artiodactyla Ruminata Bovidae Ovis Aries and Lincoln sheep.

Sheep placenta is often used as supplements and cosmetics. It has active growth factors, antioxidants, immunization molecules, essential lipids, nucleic acids, amino acids and essential components. What is so beneficial about sheep placenta is its proteins are the most compatible with humankind and don’t create unwanted allergic reactions. It is also similar to the structure of amino acid of human placenta and therefore, enable it to easily permeate our skins.

Overall, sheep placenta is best used for beauty consumption because they are full of nutrients and vitality and has superior immunity and natural disease resistance.
Now the big question is – does deer placenta has the equal benefits as sheep placenta? Well, check it out on the next article.

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